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Top 8 tips to learn a language

Top 8 tips to learn a language

Most people only know one language. And yet there are countless benefits to being bilingual, or at least able to fumble along in another dialect.

To name a few: It looks good on your resume and can help you get jobs; locals in foreign countries appreciate it when you make an effort in their own tongue; it makes you better at your own language; it’s believed to grow your brain and may protect against Alzheimer’s.

But what’s the best way to learn a new language? Approaches vary but there are some simple guidelines to make it a whole lot easier.

Recent years have seen a shift away from rote learning and monotonous grammar rules in favor of a more holistic approach. Beginning with elementary schooling, where immersion programs see kids learn other subjects like math and art in a foreign language, modern thinking places greater emphasis on a less intimidating and frankly more fun approach.

As adults, though, time is at a premium and learning a new language can feel like an extra chore in a life already crowded with parenting, netflixing or just trying to stay afloat. If you’re determined to master a second dialect, there are some key things to consider. Here are a few tips and courses on the market. Make the most of these Top 8 tips to learn a language.

1. Make learning language fun

There’s no test score at the end of this, and no one will judge you for the odd mistake, so see it as an opportunity to broaden your horizons and engage with people on the other side of that language barrier. Many online courses and apps base their learning around gamification — if fanfares and rosettes do it for you, seek out one of these first.

2. Spaced repetition is your friend

As the name hints, spaced repetition is the theory that you’re more likely to properly memorize something if you repeatedly learn it over sections of time. As Quartz explains, it’s based on the idea of the “forgetting curve” from 19th century German psychologist Herman Ebbinghaus, the notion that we quickly forget something over a short period of time.

Spaced repetition sees you go back over things you’ve learned (like new vocabulary) repeatedly to get them to stick in your head.

3. Find bite-sized chunks of time to devote to it

Just a few sessions a week will seriously improve your vocabulary and pronunciation, as long as you stick at it and keep reminding yourself to do it regularly. Many apps for iPhone or Android are structured to work in tiny segments of time.

4. Try TV as a teacher

Mashable’s Brittany Levine Beckman swears by melodramatic telenovelas to learn Spanish, adding that listening rather than reading helps you pick things up quickly, and the pained facial expressions, overt emotions, and repetitious plots all work towards helping you understand. Pedro Almodóvar movies and other foreign language films — without subtitles — could be an entertaining place to start, too. As well as Netflix’s Cable Girls, a 1920s drama that takes place at a Spanish telecom company. It runs in both Spanish and dubbed English if you want to toggle between the two.

5. Meetups are a social way to learn

Good Tutors Finder hosts listings of gatherings in The Netherlands, including Rotterdam, Amsterdam, The Hague, Eindhoven, Utrecht, Wassenar, and all the other cities to practice another language, which can be a great place to practice your vocab while making a few new friends.

6. Don’t sweat the rules too much

Knowing the grammar helps, especially if you need to read and write in the language, but that doesn’t mean you need to spend days poring over dusty textbooks. Think back to how you learned the correct tenses or conjugation in English — it was through mimicry, repetition, and practice, right? There’s no reason why the second or third language in your arsenal should be any different.

7. Don’t worry about making a fool of yourself

You’ll make mistakes during this language learning process. You may tell an Italian you’re horny when you mean you’re hot. Or a Greek person that you’re pregnant with when you meant embarrassed. Don’t take it too seriously. Most people will be pleased you’re trying and will point out the mistake.

8. Have fun with it

Chuck the odd phrase in a text message, write a poem or a song in your new lingo, or surprise your next server when you’re abroad with a phrase they weren’t expecting. Just don’t get too prétentieux.

Of course, our tutors from Good Tutors Finder can provide you with additional support. They are familiar with various tips and tricks that will get you through any degree, for example, IB Diploma, IGCSE, AP, and the Gymi curriculum. You can find us online or directly at your home in The Netherlands, including Rotterdam, Amsterdam, The Hague, Eindhoven, Utrecht, Wassenar, and all the other cities.

Find out more and book your tutor today.