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Top 8 myths about online tutoring revealed

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Top 8 myths about online tutoring revealed

Students today are busier than ever before. They have so many tasks and responsibilities related to school, work and private life, that it is difficult to stay energised and stress-resistant at all times. Customised support services, such as Good Tutors Finder, help students to fill in the gaps in their knowledge and build their self-confidence so they do not give up too early and pursue learning according to their chosen path.

Good Tutors Finder’s major goal is to partner with institutions to maximise students’ success by providing them with complementary studying options which encourage engagement, retention and overall determination while being easily accessible and affordable.

Below we share our point of view on the common myths about online tutoring.

Myth #1: Institutions that provide face-to-face teaching should be worried as online tutoring services have stepped in and created competition.

Myth #1 revealed: Online tutoring services do not create competition with conventional teaching methods but rather offer a broader scope. Studying on-campus is essential and has its own benefits that online tutoring does not intend to outperform. Instead, online tutoring provides a possibility to study with a live qualified IB tutor whenever it is convenient 24/7 and from almost any device.

Myth #2: Students should take their time to study hard on their own but not with an online tutor.

Myth #2 revealed: Online tutors, from services such as Good Tutors Finder, endorse a “can-do” attitude but not take over students’ responsibility. They teach to analyse the material, think critically and count on themselves. In addition, they foster discussion and emphasise that “there are no wrong questions” so that students feel free to ask whenever something is unclear. This is especially important because oftentimes those who need help most stay silent.

Myth #3: Those who are in college should learn independently.
Myth #3 revealed: College students are often balancing between study and work (plus their family life). This is not an easy task which can sometimes result in study struggles. In order to catch up, it is important not to be afraid or ashamed of asking for help. It is a useful skill that students can apply not only while studying but also in the future while building a career.

Myth #4: All students without any exception have to participate in tutoring regardless of their grades.
Myth #4 revealed: Usually, it is individually decided for which courses online tutoring is offered as a complementary way of studying. For instance, faculty members might want to include online tutoring only for courses with lower pass rates or eliminate this online service at all. However, there is statistical evidence that making online tutoring a compulsory part of a course leads to higher graduation rates.

Myth #5: It is unclear how to measure the ROI of online tutoring.
Myth #5 revealed: Some tutoring services, such as Good Tutors Finder, prefer to stay transparent and collaborate with institutions by providing them with some insights into student challenges via different data platforms. This helps to precisely measure the ROI of online tutoring as well as has a positive impact on students’ results and future career objectives.

Myth #6: Online tutoring does not bring any added value but, on the contrary, distracts students during class.
Myth #6 revealed: There is evidence that students who find a tutor demonstrate better results and higher confidence levels. It is very unlikely that an online tutor can bring any harm because students initiate contact with him or her only when they seek explanation or consultation, which is typically outside of school hours.

Myth #7: Online tutors are not aware of the particular course the student is taking and might fail to distinguish their problems that have to be addressed in the first place.
Myth #7 revealed: Faculty members know the content they are teaching best. The problem is that sometimes they do not have enough time to make sure everyone is following, which naturally leads to some students falling behind. Online services, such as Good Tutors Finder, offer a solution where faculty can share their course briefs, assignments and other data with them beforehand. This way, online instructors are able to customise their sessions and do not deviate too much from the main topic. Good Tutors Finder carefully handpicks the best professionals in each field making sure they have a Master’s degree (or higher) and not less than 10 years of practical work experience. The 2-way virtual whiteboard capability of Good Tutors Finder allows them to view the student’s screen and be ready to give expert advice immediately.

Myth #8: If the student is not motivated enough or does not know how to contact a tutor, online tutoring will not help.
Myth #8 revealed: Even if the student does not realise they need additional support, their faculty can play a major role here by messaging that student with a link to a specific tutoring session. Once he or she goes for it, they will work on their strengths, weaknesses and motivation issues together with a qualified live tutor.