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When is it better to study: day or night?

When is it better to study: day or night?

There is no secret that sometimes it can be extremely difficult to sit down and get school homework done, especially, just before or during the weekend. We all have gone through it and, thus, can feel our children’s pain. However, completing homework on time is crucial in order to be on track and not to fall behind other students. Therefore, creating a “studying schedule” can help organise your time better and keep up with the deadlines. But the key question is what part of day – day or night – is best for tackling this no easy task.


What is the best time of day to study?

There is no right answer what the “best” time of day to study is. It is quite individual and depends on a person. Some of us are larks, whose body is full of energy and brain functions faster in the morning, whereas others are owls, and perform better at night. 

If you want your child to succeed, there is no need to chase any standards but rather try to help him or her work out their own unique learning routine, according to what fits them best. For some students, it is easier to concentrate in the morning, while others are more productive closer to the evening. If you decide to book a tutor, discuss it with them and find the best time for both.

How is brain affected by time of day?

As a general rule, students’ brains tend to be sharpest in the morning, especially, after a nutritious breakfast and uninterrupted night sleep. It is considered to be a good time to open a students’ book and absorb new knowledge – everything you read in the morning is likely to be better memorised and easier understood. In the morning, students have no difficulty recalling facts and figures as well as names and places. 

The afternoon is a perfect time to create links between new information and what have already been learnt before. This way, students can use successfully apply their analytical and interpretation skills.


What are the benefits of day study and night study?

Those, who feel they are more “alive” in the morning, should use this opportunity to learn something while their brain is still alert. The benefits of day studying are the following:

  • The brain is rested after a good sleep
  • Natural day light is good for your eyes
  • Sleep schedule is not disrupted
  • It is easier to interact with others and work in groups

However, if day studying does not stick to you, feel free to follow your own way, as long as it works for you. People, who prefer to study in the evening hours, enjoy the following benefits:

  • More peace and quiet
  • No day “hustle”
  • Easier to concentrate and be creative
  • Sleeping right after studying helps to improve recall

Although, there are strong arguments for studying at night, you should not forget that this should not affect your child’s sleeping pattern. A kid needs 8-9 hours of sleep every night in order to stay active during day time. If you see that studying is delaying bedtime, consider starting a bit earlier. 

Nobody actually forces you to make a decision between the two – day or night – and blindly follow it from now on. Remember, sometimes a combination of both can be the best option. Just observe your child and how the time of day impacts their behaviour and adapt the study schedule accordingly. Good luck!