Best places where you can do your homework
The work ‘homework’ is composed of two words ‘home’ and ‘work’ where the first one implies that ‘after school’ work should be done at home. Is this really true? It depends on how you look at it.
It might be that at home there are so many distractions that there’s almost no way for you to concentrate on studying. The TV often blares in the background, the vacuum makes annoying noises, and your mum is constantly asking you to help with household chores.
If you are getting prepared for a test or an exam, you certainly need a quiet place so you can focus. Below is the list of 8 best places to do your homework outside your home.
1. The library
When you are in the library, your focus is crystal clear because of the peaceful environment out there. In addition, you’ll have everything you need there: a convenient desk, a power outlet to plug in your devices, Wi-Fi connection as well as loads of books to use as a reference. In many libraries, you’ll also be able to use printing services. Another factor determining factor is that when you see a bunch of people around you who are diligently studying, it’s much easier for you to repeat this behavior and get inspired to do the same. If you decide to book a tutor, it could also be a convenient place to have lessons.
2. The park
The park can be an excellent option, especially if you are doing some creative writing or planning to read a few chapters. It’s hardly possible that you’ll be isolated from any noise whatsoever, but the noises you’ll hear will be rather soothing. You’re going to listen to the sounds of nature, such as the waves on the sand and the wind in the trees.
3. The coffee shop
Nowadays it’s become especially popular to work and study from coffee shops. Apart from the busy environment you will find yourself in, you’ll also have access to a cup of coffee (or two) which will offer you a great caffeine boost. Although, this kind of places are never empty and the door doesn’t seem to close, there’s just the right amount of ambient noise, so you’ll be able to work uninterestingly.
4. The laundromat
Although it might seem like an odd place to complete your homework at, the point is to remind you that time is money. While you are waiting for your laundry to finish, you surely have some free time that you rarely spend in an efficient way. Just think, you can kill two birds with one stone – so why not doing it?
5. A friend’s house
Visiting a friend with a clear purpose to study together is something you should try at least once. First of all, it feels great when you do the same thing simultaneously so you can motivate each other. Secondly, no one forbids collaboration and discussion. Feel free to consult with your friend whenever you need advice or explanation and take initiative to share your knowledge in return. Just make sure you bring something whenever you visit as you want to be a polite guest with good manners.
6. The museum
Museum is not something that comes naturally to your mind when you think about places to do your homework. But just think, many museums offer free admission and free Wi-Fi. In addition to this, you will be surrounded by marvelous masterpieces which you can go and explore during your break. Allowing your mind to wander a bit is healthy unless you take too long and forget about your main objective.
7. The classroom
The classroom is always associated with learning so there’s no surprise it’ll be easy to get your stuff done exactly there. You have nobody around and nothing else to do but study in that closed and reserved environment so use this opportunity and kill as many homework exercises as possible. Of course, you should not practice staying in the classroom after school hours every day as it would be too much exhausting but doing this from time to time might be just what you need.
8. In nature
A little bit of sunlight and a light breeze can do a miracle. It clears your mind and boosts energy as well as serves as a great alternative to caffeine. Studying in such a soothing and relaxing atmosphere will have a positive effect on your performance. Just free your mind from all your worries and concentrate entirely on what needs to be done.
Now that you have the list of the best places to do your homework, it’s time to figure out what works best for you. Remember, if you feel you need special assistance with some sort of subject, hiring a private tutor might be the right solution. Good Tutors Finder helps students in need and expert tutors to meet each other and together achieve great results.
If you like to provide your child with a trained tutor after school and during holidays who can help with structure and organization, we have just what you need. At Good Tutors Finder, we only have hand-picked tutors who are well versed in these and other strategies and can apply them, whether they are in IB Diploma, IGCSE, AP, or lower grades. Mathematics, Science, Physics, German, French, English, and more, no matter which subject is difficult, our tutors can help out.
Our tutors are available everywhere in The Netherlands, including Rotterdam, Amsterdam, The Hague, Eindhoven, Utrecht, Wassenar, and all other cities.
Find out more and book your tutor today!